D202CR202002548 |
001 |
Possession of a controlled substance (felony) |
D202CR202002548-1 |
001 |
Possession of a controlled substance (felony) |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle (1st Offense) |
D202CR202203091 |
001 |
Trafficking controlled substances (possess with intent) (narcotic) (1st offense) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR202002548-1 |
001 |
Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia |
D202CR202002548 |
001 |
Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia |
D202CR202002548 |
001 |
Concealing identity |
D202CR202002548-1 |
001 |
Concealing identity |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Falsely obtaining services (over $250 but not more than $500) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Falsely obtaining services (over $250 but not more than $500) |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
"Receiving stolen property (retain) (over $500 but not more than $2,500)" |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Concealing identity |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Fraud in Issuing/Obtaining/Altering Documents Issued by Motor Vehicle Division |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR201803396 |
001 |
Possession of a controlled substance (felony) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Fraud in Issuing/Obtaining/Altering Documents Issued by Motor Vehicle Division |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Driving While License Revoked -DWI Related |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Driving While License Revoked -DWI Related |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Receiving stolen property (receive) ($250 or less) |
D1314CR201900232 |
002 |
Receiving stolen property (receive) ($250 or less) |