T4FR202404114 |
001 |
Kidnapping (first degree) |
D202PD202400758 |
001 |
Preventative Detention |
D202CR202401898 |
001 |
Kidnapping (first degree) (NO Intent to Commit Sex Offense) |
D202CR202401898 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - intentional (no death or great bodily harm) |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently caused (no death or great bodily harm) |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (great bodily harm) (household member) |
D202CR202401898 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (deadly weapon) (household member) |
D202CR202401898 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (great bodily harm) (household member) |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (deadly weapon) (household member) |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
False imprisonment |
D202CR202401898 |
001 |
Interference with communications |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
Interference with communications |
T4FR202404114 |
001 |
"Resisting, evading or obstructing an officer (Resisting)" |