T4FR202306254 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (strangulation or suffocation) (household member) |
D202CR201402568 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
T4FR202402993 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $500 but not more than $2,500)" |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
Armed robbery |
M59FR202300084 |
002 |
Theft of identity |
D202CR201402568-1 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
D202CR201402568-1 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
M59FR202300084 |
001 |
Reckless driving |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $2500 but not more than $20,000)" |
T4FR202402993 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR201402568 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
T4FR202306254 |
Assault (attempted battery) (household member) |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
Larceny (firearm)(less than $2500) |
D202CR201402568 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $2500 but not more than $20,000)" |
M59FR202300084 |
002 |
"Resisting, Evading or Obstructing an Officer (Arrest)" |
D202CR201402568-1 |
001 |
Great bodily harm by vehicle (reckless) |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $2500 but not more than $20,000)" |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
Possession of firearm or destructive device by a felon - attempt |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $2500 but not more than $20,000)" |
D202CR202400745 |
001 |
"Shoplifting (over $20,000)" |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
Battery (household member) |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
"Larceny (over $500 but not more than $2,500)" |
T4FR202306254 |
001 |
"Resisting, Evading or Obstructing an Officer (Arrest)" |