D202CR202401169 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202PD202400456 |
001 |
Preventative Detention |
D202CR202402136 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently caused (no death or great bodily harm) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently caused (no death or great bodily harm) |
D202CR202402136 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202CR202401169 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202CR202401169 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202CR202402136 |
Interference with communications |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently caused (no death or great bodily harm) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently caused (no death or great bodily harm) |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
D202CR202401169 |
Interference with communications |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Interference with communications |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 3rd degree (child under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal Sexual Penetration (1st Degree) (Child Under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 2nd degree (child under 13)(unclothed) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor (child under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 3rd degree (child under 13) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor 3rd degree (child under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Criminal sexual contact / minor (child under 13) |
D202CR202401169 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202401169 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202401169 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Bribery of a witness (threats or bribes - reporting) |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202401169 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202401169 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202402136-1 |
001 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |
D202CR202401169 |
Contributing to the delinquency of a minor |