T4FR202402146 |
001 |
Aggravated assault (deadly weapon) |
D202CR202301579 |
001 |
Trafficking controlled substances (distribution)(narcotic or meth)(1st offense) |
D202PD202400466 |
001 |
Preventative Detention |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Attempt to Commit a Felony |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (deadly weapon) |
D202CR202401657 |
Kidnapping (first degree) |
D202CR202301575 |
001 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D202CR202301575 |
001 |
Aggravated Fleeing a Law Enforcement Officer |
D202CR202401657 |
Armed robbery |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Aggravated assault (deadly weapon) |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Armed robbery |
D202CR202301579 |
001 |
Possession with intent to distribute imitation controlled substance |
T4FR202402146 |
001 |
Attempt to Commit a Felony |
T4FR202402146 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR202301579 |
001 |
Possession of a controlled substance (felony) |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (deadly weapon) |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Aggravated assault (deadly weapon) |
D202CR202401657 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
D202CR202301575 |
001 |
Possession of a controlled substance (felony) |
D202CR202401657 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Kidnapping (first degree) |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Aggravated battery (great bodily harm) |
D202CR202301579 |
001 |
Tampering with evidence (highest crime a third or fourth degree felony) |
T4FR202402146 |
001 |
Unlawful Possession or Discharge of Weapons or Firearms |
D202CR202301579 |
001 |
Use or possession of drug paraphernalia |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Aggravated assault (deadly weapon) |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Interference with communications |
D202CR202401657 |
Criminal damage to property (over $1000) |
D202CR202401657 |
Reckless driving |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Assault with intent to commit a violent felony |
D202CR202401183 |
001 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
T4FR202403889 |
001 |
Receiving/Transferring Stolen Motor Vehicles (1st offense) |
D202CR202401657 |
"Resisting, Evading or Obstructing an Officer (Arrest)" |
D202CR202401657 |
Improper Display of Registration Plate |
T4FR202403889 |
Conspiracy to Commit a Felony |
T4FR202403889 |
Shoplifting (over $250) |