T4TR202301838 |
001 |
No proof of insurance |
D202PD202300425 |
001 |
Preventative Detention |
D202CR202301330 |
Child Abuse (Death) (Intentional) (Child Under 12) |
T4FR202302844 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligent (resulting in death) |
T4FR202302844 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently permitted (no death or great bodily harm) |
D202CR202301330 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
"Commercial Motor Vehicles; Equipment, Regulations" |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
Failure to Surrender License and Registration |
D202CR202301330 |
Child Abuse (No Death or GBH) (Recklessly) (1st Offense) |
T4FR202302844 |
001 |
Abuse of a child - negligently permitted (no death or great bodily harm) |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
New Mexico based vehicles not registered with MTD |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
Improper Display of Registration Plate |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
Vehicles subject to registration |
T4TR202301838 |
001 |
Traffic-Control Signal Legend/Failure to Obey Signal |